A Fresh Perspective for Adults With ADHD
When the normie approach to goals is too overwhelming, try this
*This is a video that I created for the ADHD Big Brother education program. This program is no longer available, but all the videos are available to members and lives inside the ADHD Big Brother Community.
What, exactly, is the normie perspective? Well, first of all, a normie is how I lovingly refer to my neurotypical friends. They are who the DSM-V classifies as “normal”.
Perhaps you’ve gone through life with people asking why you can’t just do things the normal way, or why you aren’t acting normal. Well, it might be because you aren’t a normie. I know I’m not.
One of the ways I know that I’m not “normal” is that the perspective about achieving goals just doesn’t work for me. That metaphor about climbing a mountain and how you gotta “bleed to succeed”…oh my gosh the intensity! But those make for the best movies, don’t they? Struggles, adversity, blood, sweat, tears, picking ourselves back up…I’m getting triggered just typing this!
In this video I offer a fresh perspective, one that I feel is much more easy to swallow for the ADHD brain. I’d love to know what you think!
If you don’t want to watch the video, here’s the jist of it:
Instead of putting the goal at the top of the mountain, try starting your journey at the top of the mountain. And your goal is somewhere way down below, too far for you to actually see, but you know it’s somewhere at the bottom.
And all it takes to get started on the goal is a little nudge…and you are tumbling down the mountain towards your goal.
When it comes to ADHD, we have to make it easy! Nudges are the answer to that. Look how happy this guy is as he tumbles toward his goal! That’s what it’s all about.
Hope that helps! Leave a comment and let me know your thoughts.
Your ADHD Big Bro,
PS - if you want to learn more about the ADHD Big Brother Community, it’s the home of adults with ADHD actively getting our shit together…together! Clickety clack the button and you learn all about it.